Daydream delusion

Daydream delusion
limousine eyelash

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Getting even.

Extra cheese makes everything better. Except love..”
The delivery boy said, “Nice to know ma’am, but you still owe me eight bucks.”

“You know good food is the closest we come to feeling true love, forgetting real pain? Food is the best anesthetic.”
 He said, “I am glad I could be of help! Eight bucks still.”

“Stop measuring happiness with money.” She said.
“But it’s my money, and your happiness. Unmatched equation.” He said.

“Get going boy, I don’t have another penny.” She said.

He picked up a piece and took a sumptuous bite.

“Now we are even.” He said.


  1. A pat on the back for the delivery boy! Great going!
    and a pat on the back for you. Again, great going! ;)

  2. What would he have done if she had said 'keep the change?'

  3. 'I wish there was somethin' [she] would do or say. To try and make [him] Change [his] mind and stay. [They] never did too much talkin' anyway.'
